Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who is the fairest drum lid of them all?

Our newest customer says, there is no fairer drum lid than a secondhand one from PurePac!!

What a great way to start the New Year, by supporting a major brand on their innovative recycling mission, whose reuse ethos is really a cut above the rest.

The customer in question makes handmade body products and cosmetics. They aim to reuse all of their raw materials packaging, whether that’s to store other materials or to completely remodel it into a new life form.

PurePac were approached to see how we could support their remodel and reuse projects – and of course, we were very excited to help. For starters, we are taking their used 200L steel drums and processing them to become in-store display stands for their products. We are also supplying end of life drums lids, these are to be turned into mirrors which will be featured in their stores, toilet facilities and offices. Going forward we will be helping to review more packaging to see how we can support them in their goal to always recycle and/or remodel rather than buying new.

The team here at PurePac feel really upbeat about this one, it really is highly commendable of a company to go to such lengths to look at turning old and used packaging into a new life form, when it would no doubt be cheaper and easier for them to commission new materials to service their requirements.

Get in touch today to discuss your requirements.
Call: 01327 310 464
Email: info@purepac.co.uk

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