12th January and so the First Drinks Order is Placed

12th January and so the first drinks order is placed…..just over a week dry and our first IBC orders start pouring in from the drinks sector!

From gin makers, to beer brewers, wineries and some of the really hard stuff, Scottish Whisky, PurePac are really giving a helping hand to drinks makers, both large and small.  PurePac can offer very competitive prices on brand new 1,000L IBCs and also provide some really significant cost savings on Rebottled IBCs with food grade standard.

There was the PurePac team thinking that we could make it through January dry, how is that possible when we are talking to our customers who are so passionate about their drinks!

Whether you are enjoying a dry January or you are continuing to savour a tipple, if PurePac can help you with your IBC requirements please give the team a call on 01327 310 464.

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