Hollywood Packaging Geek…

With just a few weeks left of the school holidays, my teenage daughter has been working her way through Netflix and Prime. I’ve been making the most of her invitations to share movies with her, as when she’s back at school she’ll have little time for me or the TV.

Last night we watched 22 Jump Street, (the sequel to 21 Jump Street) which to my surprise, is better than the first one. Well, my inner packaging geek especially liked it. I jumped off the sofa in excitement when I spotted this IBC. Plus, it’s not just an everyday IBC, it’s a custom-made one! The top section of the tank has been adapted into a fully opening hinged lid. Making the IBC more like a chest. A chest of seaprises…Hehehe

I have never seen an IBC adapted in this way and luckily, we have never witnessed an octopus climb out of one of ours!





22 Jump Street

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