Buy today to save tomorrow! 

New Year Resolutions. Perhaps it’s me, but I don’t hear people mention them much now. That said, mine is to continue to support more recycling activities at home and work. I’ll also be encouraging more PurePac customers to convert to Post Consumer Resin (PCR) packaging. 

PCR is also sometimes referred to as Post Industrial Resin (PIR). Both are recycled plastics made from used consumer and industrial packaging. PCR and PIR is used to manufacture new packaging from recycled materials instead of using virgin polymer. Many of our manufacturers have already launched their existing products in a recycled format. These manufacturers include, CurTec International, Mauser UK and Schutz UK.  

The main benefit of moving away from packaging made from virgin polymer is a lower CO2 manufacturing footprint. Some of Mauser’s drums even make a 60% reduction, and when you compare the two in this picture, it’s hard to spot the difference. 

PurePac stock many PCR products with recycled contents of between 45-95%. Which also means Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT) is no longer applicable. These products still carry the UN approval for use with dangerous goods. But they’re environmentally friendly, sustainable and most importantly – they save natural resources. 

If you only keep one resolution this year, how about making it to reduce your impact on the environment? That could mean – turning off the lights at home more, drinking tap water instead of bottled, or if you can, switch to recycled packaging in your workplace.  

Using packaging made from PCR has many benefits. Your business could lower its carbon footprint and save money. Additionally, waste heading to landfill will be diverted and less virgin materials used. Overall, emissions are reduced. You’ll also be supporting the circular recycling economy. 

If we all do our little bit, it will make a difference. Get in touch if you’d like to know more about PCR products, we’d love to help. 





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